MAG&More TMS technology
Apollo TMS system
Pulse width [μs]
The efficiency of neuronal stimulation depends strongly on the steepness of this sinusoidal pulse. The steeper the pulse (ie the change in magnetic field, dB / dt) the more efficient the stimulation (Wasserman et al. 2008; Kammer et al. 2011).
However , this effect has its limits. If the pulse is too short, the pulse will be inefficient. This has been demonstrated for pulses with pulse durations <120 µs (Peterchev et al. 2013; Hannah and Rothwell 2017).
For pulse widths longer than 120 µs, shorter pulse widths have a negligible effect on this. However, increasing the pulse width above 200 µs broadens the slope of the stimulation pulse, reducing the efficiency of neuronal activation (Kammer et al. 2011).
Our TMS device offers a pulse width 160 μs design with optimal stimulation efficiency.
Apollo TMS system
The optimal duration of pulse stimulation is 100-160 us (due to depolarization of myelinated axons according to Lapicque's law). The PowerMAG stimulator is optimized for pulse duration.
For example, the half-wave pulse length is only 80 μs and the full-wave pulse width is only 160 us. The short pulse length allows nerve stimulation with 20-40% less energy.
Apollo TMS system
The magnetic excitation sound generated when generating magnetism stimulates nerves with lower energy than other TMS devices due to optimization of pulse width. Therefore, the magnetic excitation sound has a relatively quiet design.
Apollo TMS system
S.C. Dhamne et al.2014 A Measure of Acoustic Noise Generated From Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coils, Brain Stimulation xxx (2014) 1-3
Apollo TMS system
Pluse form
A crucial factor in the use of TMS is optimizing the current/time characteristics of the magnetic pulse.
During the monophasic pulse, all stored energy is released during the stimulation pulse.
Due to the high energy requirements, this arrangement is only suitable for individual positive or low frequency stimulation (up to 1Hz).
Biphasic pulses work with energy recovery: about 80% of the pulse energy returns to the energy source
Apollo TMS system
MartinSommer et al,(2006) Half sine, monophasic and biphasic transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human motor cortex,Volume 117, Issue 4, April 2006, Pages 838-844
Apollo TMS system
Pulse height
Regardless of whether a single pulse or pulse train is applied, all pulses are always applied with the set intensity (no intensity loss during stimulation). It enables reproducible and accurate pulse administration with 0.5% range accuracy.
Apollo TMS system
The PowerMAG Research Device is available to over 1 billion people in more than 30 countries.
Designed and manufactured in Germany.
MAG & More has more than 20 years of reliable and reliable track record in TMS devices.
Prompt customer support
MAG & More reflects the voice of users in its products.
Developed and manufactured according to MAG & More's strict guidelines for research applications.
Certified Training Program
We are certified as TMS Professional for the International TMS Academy Training Program offered by MAG & More.
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