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Coil positioning system


​MAG & More coil housing design

The stimulation coil is housed in a strong plastic cover that resists the mechanical stress caused by the stimulation pulse.
Moreover, it guarantees good electrical insulation between the copper wire and the coil surface.
The materials used are biocompatible and highly mechanically resistant.

Eliminates the harmful or toxic effects of synthetic materials with good electrical insulation properties. The ergonomic design improves comfort and performance when holding the stimulation coil.
Depending on the coil type, the housing is marked with a current direction inside the coil, electric field hotspots, and tracking points for navigation. For long-lasting labels, it is printed directly on the stimulating coil with navigation and the housing is engraved with tracking points.

MAG&More Coilの特徴

​MAG & More winding technology
Careful work on the coil windings ensures that the stimulation coil has the desired spatial distribution.
Losses in the stimulation coil are minimized because a particular type of copper wire is selected to optimize winding space and current flow.

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Built-in coil overheat prevention system
The stimulation coil is equipped with an accurate temperature sensor. This causes the stimulator to shut down as soon as the temperature reaches 41°C, preventing overheating of the coil.

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Built-in coil overheat prevention system
The stimulation coil is equipped with an accurate temperature sensor. This causes the stimulator to shut down as soon as the temperature reaches 41°C, preventing overheating of the coil.

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Built-in coil overheat prevention system
The stimulation coil is equipped with an accurate temperature sensor. This causes the stimulator to shut down as soon as the temperature reaches 41°C, preventing overheating of the coil.


Built-in coil overheat prevention system
The stimulation coil is equipped with an accurate temperature sensor. This causes the stimulator to shut down as soon as the temperature reaches 41°C, preventing overheating of the coil.


The PowerMAG Stimulation Coil has been continuously developed with major users to produce the highest quality, precision and efficiency coils.
This gives the best results both in terms of coil effectiveness and ease of use. Coil shape and electromagnetic properties bring out all the possibilities of the PowerMAG system.

Physiological efficiency: excellent stimulation efficiency

Maximum comfort: less coil heating and stimulating sound.

Precision: Excellent temporal and spatial resolution.

​Weight: Easy to use and lightweight.


Both the stimulation depth and the illuminated area play a major role in achieving the desired stimulation result.
Precision Coil and Double coil have similar stimulation depths under the coil of about 3 cm, but both coils can give different results due to different stimulation areas.


Circular coil
This coil, is characterized by stimulation of the high penetration depth and large area.
It is equally suitable for cortical, spinal, and peripheral applications.


Double coil
Outstanding accuracy with a very sharp field distribution due to the additive effect in the center of the coil.
Particularly suitable for cortical and spinal applications, it is suitable for selective stimulation of individual areas.


Precision coil
Very focal pulse with high pinpoint efficiency results in less side activation.
The compact design allows for multifocal application to the cortex by placing the coils in close proximity.


Made in Germany


MAG&More GmbH

TMS technology

PMD-70p Cool


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By using innovative cooling technology, the pCool stimulation coil has a very high heat storage capacity.
The coil was specially developed for high performance PowerMAG stimulators to increase the number of possible stimulation pulses.
Therefore, it is the perfect coil for time-consuming high energy protocols.

​A new type of cooling system that passively constantly cools the coil.

PMD-70 p-Cool Sham coil


The cooled double coil sham coil is designed to perform blind and double blind tests.
This coil minimizes the strength of the magnetic field and stimulates only the nearest area (such as the scalp), allowing stimulation without affecting nerve activity.
In addition, the coil produces the same sound as the active TMS coil and has a similar weight.
By eliciting the same session as other active coils, this fake coil is the ultimate tool for investigating the placebo effect of TMS.



The main characteristics of this coil are the sharp field distribution and excellent accuracy.
It is well suited not only for selective stimulation of individual areas, but also for cortical and spinal cord applications.

Double coil PMD25-decentral


Double coil PMD25-decentral.png

This coil produces the most localized stimuli with a distributed focus.
Therefore, it is very practical when the coils are used in paired coil applications, that is, when stimulating two or more independent stimulation sites in close proximity simultaneously.


Double coil PMD45-EEG

This highly focused coil has a more compact shape and is designed to be more compact.
This coil is perfect for combining TMS and EEG simultaneously.


Round coil PMR110
Round coil PMR110.png

This stimulation coil has the largest stimulation spot of all coils.
In addition, the penetration depth is deep, and the stimulus can reach the brain cortex.
The coil is ideal for cortical, spinal and peripheral applications.


HANS coil


A lightweight and easy-to-use coil with a cooling system that can be connected to the HANS coil positioning system.

​It can be connected to the Apollo system.

double Coil PMD70 View!

Double Coil PMD70 View!


A lightweight and easy-to-use coil with a cooling system that can be connected to the HANS coil positioning system.

​It can be connected to the Apollo system.




The combination of TMS and MRI is technically difficult because both methods work with very strong magnetic fields.

Therefore, some adjustments are required for this combination to work.

One of the requirements is to eliminate the use of non-ferrous metals.

MAG & More offers folders within the toolset.

By removing the non-ferrous metal used in regular stimulation coils, this MR compatible coil minimizes MR image artifacts.

In addition, the MR coil is also equipped with an RF filter that reduces the RF noise caused by the RF filter that reduces the RF noise caused by the antenna effect of the coil.

A TMS system that is safe and easy to use in an MRI environment.

It is also equipped with an RF filter that reduces RF noise.


Incontinence coil


MAG & More also offers other custom made stimulation coils to meet specific customer requirements. We offer professional design and development for all proposed specifications, from computer modeling to optimization. For example, a customized incontinence coil with computer modeling for maximized comfort and optimized stimulation results was developed for use in the clinic.


MAG & More Coil Performance Comparison Chart

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